CS Structure |
CS-Structure is a new service for searching papers in the subject field of Computer Science (for more details, see About CS Structure). In this service, each paper belongs to a theme, each theme belongs to a theme of a higher level, etc (the papers themselves are considered as themes of the ground level).
Each theme has a number of attributes. The attributes can be evoked via the following links:
- Theme Name (Theme Abstract) is a set of 4 (30) word pairs reflecting the content of the theme. The pairs are generated automatically from the set of theme's article titles;
- Authors is a list of authors ranged by their contribution to the theme. The contribution is computed by the citation graph;
- Authority Articles is a list of papers ranged by their relevance for the theme. The relevance is computed by the citation graph;
- Refs (Citations) is a list of themes of the same level that refer (cite) the theme. The list is ranged by the strength of the coupling between the themes;
- Subthemes is a list of themes of the lower level constituting the theme. For a theme of the lowest level, evoking this attribute prints out a list of papers constituting the theme. The list is ranged by the relevance of the papers for the theme.
Hepstructure suggests two ways of accessing the information:
- One can place a request via a standard search form. The response can be printed out either as a list of papers meeting the request (the list is ranged either by date or by the number of citations) or as a list of theme tree formed by the papers. The choice between the output is made in the field display as. It is also possible to find a paper by its CiteSeer identifier .
- One can browse over the hierarchical tree of themes. The browsing can be started either by clicking the link Computer Science at the the main search page, or by clicking the link Theme tree appearing in the print out of the list of papers. The latter link localizes the position of the paper in the hierarchy of themes.
Some of the papers and themes from the reference (citation) lists of papers and themes are marked as Hub Reference (Citation) or/and Authority Reference (Citation). Here are the meanings of these marks:
- Hub Citation is the paper from the Citation List that is the closest one to the cited paper. The closeness is computed by the citation graph;
- Authority Refererence is the paper from the Reference list that is the closest one to the paper making the references;
- Authority Citation is the paper from the Citation List of a paper for which the paper itself is the Authority Refererence;
- Hub Refererence is the paper from the Reference List of a paper for which the paper itself is the Hub Citation.